Articles tagged as: Medicaid

How millions of the country's poorest, sickest patients get trapped between Medicare and Medicaid
A data breach exposed private health information of more than 200,000 Medicaid clients in Indiana
Medicaid Navigators and clients point to errors costing eligible people their insurance
Advocates call on federal agencies to suspend two waivers in HIP, warning loss of coverage
Data breach exposes personal information of more than 700,000 Medicaid clients in Indiana
More than 100K Hoosiers lose Medicaid coverage over past two months
More than 1 million people are dropped from Medicaid as states start a post-pandemic purge of rolls
Black churches work to blunt the impact of Medicaid unwinding on their communities
For those not phased out of Medicaid coverage, recipient says system falls short
Supreme Court reinforces that Medicaid beneficiaries can sue states if their rights are violated