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Syrian Quarter Commemorated, Indy Pursues Soccer Club, IPS Parents Give Testimony, IMPD Expands Drone Program, The Noncompete Ban's Impact on Doctors and Nurses


Indy Coffee Shop to Offer Long-Term Support and Community, Bill Aims to Address Road Funding Needs, Political Influence in School Board Races
Hundreds of Middle School Students Left IPS in 2024, Weekly Update from the Indiana Legislative Session, Health Experts Worry about Gambling Disorders
Bill Would Ban Student IDs for Voting, Eliminating Barriers to Assisted Living, What's Behind the Rising Popularity of Career and Technical Education?
YMCA Closing at the Athenaeum, Discipline Charges Against Todd Rokita, IPS Board Denounces Statehouse Legislation, Indiana Families are Tired of 'College for All'
Food Desert in Northwest Landing, New Federal Immigration Court, Elementary School Demolished in Martindale Brightwood, Proposed Changes to School Referendums
New Analysis of IPS Teacher Salaries, Indy Program to Serve Kids with Substance Use Disorders, Archeological Excavation Project Underway in Indianapolis