Rep. Andre Carson appeared on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos". Carson is one of two Muslims serving in the U.S Congress.
ABC's "This Week"
INDIANAPOLIS--U.S. Congressman Andre Carson of Indiana’s 7th District appeared on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday to discuss the increasingly hostile rhetoric being directed at Muslim communities across the United States.
Carson, who's himself a Muslim, appeared on ABC following a week that saw acts of vandalism— and even arson — levied against mosques across the country. And a new New York Times poll shows anti-Islamic sentiment in the United States at its highest level since just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The congressman says he blames the spike in anti-Muslim feelings on elected officials and others running for national office, such as Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. Trump’s calling for a blanket ban on Muslims entering the country.
Carson says Trump, and politicians like him, are exploiting a nativist wave in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attacks for political gain.
"What we have to understand is that we’re living in a time where there’s a restoration movement taking place," Carson told host George Stephanopoulos. "People want to take us back to some mythological 'good old days,' and there are elected officials who are capitalizing on this sentiment."
Carson has represented the 7th district, which includes much of Marion County, since 2007. He and Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota are the only two Muslims serving in either house of Congress.