A member of the Indiana National Guard greets a patient during the mass COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Friday, March 5.
Doug Jaggers/WFYIINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Nearly one-third of Indiana residents ages 16 and older have now been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, state health officials said Monday.
The Indiana Department of Health said that about 1.74 million Hoosiers — or 32 percent of Indiana's roughly 5.3 million residents ages 16 and older — have been fully vaccinated, while 2.29 million first doses of vaccine have been administered statewide.
People fully vaccinated have received a second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The pace of the state’s vaccination efforts can be tracked on Indiana’s COVID-19 vaccine dashboard.
Indiana officials made all state residents age 16 and older eligible for COVID-19 vaccines on March 31.
The state health department also reported 702 newly confirmed coronavirus cases Monday and five more Indiana deaths from COVID-19. Those deaths raised Indiana’s pandemic toll to 13,280 confirmed or presumed coronavirus-related deaths.
Indiana’s COVID-19 hospitalizations are continuing to see general slow increases after reaching recent lows below 600 for several days in mid-March, according to the state’s coronavirus dashboard.
As of Sunday, 893 Hoosiers were hospitalized with COVID-19. That's down slightly from the 909 hospitalizations reported on April 11, but represents an increase over roughly the past two weeks.