Explore Indiana’s 200-year history through the descendants of ordinary Hoosiers who lived through extraordinary times, while helping to shape the fabric of our state.
Discover how one legendary Hoosier’s career spanned and shaped a time of tremendous change...
When Birch Bayh ran for office, his campaign needed a way to help folks remember how to pronounce...
Dive into the life and legacy of the pioneering Indiana legislator through archival footage...
Chart the last 5 years of the women's movement and its intersectional fight for equality.
A lot has changed for women in America since the ratification of the 19th Amendment.
Explore the life and times of Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana.
About Simple Civics Can you run for president from prison? What is a caucus? How does the draft work? You probably took a government or civics class, but many of us still have questions about how it all works. WFYI’s “Simple Civics”...